Happiness Hub

The Happiness Hub at Jack Drum Arts was a wellbeing focused community craft group designed to improve social connection and creative confidence with a welcoming atmosphere. Participants were supported by staff at Jack Drum Arts as well as local freelance artists to learn practical craft, design and making skills. The group was linked with our carnival arts and event programmes, producing costumes, puppets and props that featured in our large-scale parades attended by thousands of spectators every year.

The Happiness Hub linked into our wider programme of Carnival Arts and events, with many participants volunteering at these events as performers or in the support team.

If you would like to know more please contact us:

T: 01388 765002
E: jamesb@jackdrum.co.uk

Our Happiness Hub group was funded by the County Durham Clinical Commissioning Group and Pioneering Care Partnership through the Happiness Hub programme.


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