Carnival Arts

Our Carnival Arts programme is an inter-generational project bringing people of all ages and abilities together to participate in regular weekly activities which culminate in performances at community carnival events and parades in Crook and across the north east region.  

Activities include delivery of arts and wellbeing sessions at our community centre in Crook including: Drumming & Movement, Singing, Dance, Carnival Costume and Props Making.  Participants are able to work alongside members of our team including musicians, dancers and visual artists to co-create events inspired by their own research and ideas to celebrate their local community. Participants are able to develop lasting skills, and a new hobby for enjoyment, self-development, and improved mental wellbeing.  The provision of regular opportunities for social interactions helps to combat loneliness and isolation.  

If you are interested in getting involved email

Funded by Know Your Neighbourhood via the Community Fund


B.O.P Fest


Cree Connections